By bringing together the expertise of Statista Q, nxt statista, and Statista Content & Design under the Statista+ umbrella, we offer you comprehensive solutions which seamlessly combine research, strategy consulting, and marketing communications – all tailored to your needs.
With extensive experience in working with data, facts and analysis, we have a particularly clear understanding of how to present these visually.
Our mission
A flood of information trickles down on us every day. To stand out from the crowd, it is increasingly important to communicate with concise and relevant content. Our mission is to use meaningful research and attractive design to make complex information easy to understand and appealing – for more awareness, trust and leads for your brand.
Statista’s portal comprises more than one million statistics, studies and reports from over 22,500 sources.
The ideal basis for exciting, customized data storytelling.
From information design to lead generation: Together we develop concepts and topics for your content strategy – suitable for your communication needs.
No matter whether it is supplied by you or researched by our experts: We find and filter relevant data and facts to pack them into an exciting story.
We create unique visualisations to match your corporate design – enabling your message to remain visible amidst the information overload.
Achieve high B2B reach and lead conversions via the Statista portal, our newsletters and our partner network.
We at Statista Content & Design have been dealing with data, facts and analyses for years and therefore have a particularly good understanding of how these can best be presented visually. Our experienced team of 50 consultants, editors, designers and digital marketing experts conducts research, analyses and filters data or edits your content. From conception to distribution –we are your partner for content & information design.
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