Lead Generation – made to measure

Statista, the largest B2B data portal in the world, offers you in cooperation with our partner Leadfactory the perfect solution for the design and implementation of your lead campaigns.

Access to own database with over 1.3 million B2B contact customers from over 320,000 companies
Over 700,000 newsletter recipients
Joint definition of quantitative lead targets
Definition of qualitative KPIs
Our Works

Examples for Lead Generation

Discover the various options for your own project

Lead generation

The generation of high-quality marketing and sales leads is one of the main tasks of today’s decision makers in marketing, sales and communications. We at Statista Content & Design will conduct your lead generation campaign holistically based on the developed target values and thus generate the best business qualified leads.


More awareness, trust and leads

Consulting and Conception

From information design to lead generation: Together we develop concepts and topics for your content strategy – suitable for your communication needs.

Editorial Research

No matter whether it is supplied by you or researched by our experts: We find and filter relevant data and facts to pack them into an exciting story.

Individual Design

We create unique visualisations to match your corporate design – enabling your message to remain visible amidst the information overload.

 Effective Distribution

Achieve high B2B reach and lead conversions via the Statista portal, our newsletters and our partner network.