Author: Gabriela Hein
Video: Sander Heremans
Date:. 16.03.22
For two years, the world has been in a state of emergency – one Corona wave after the next, lockdown, contact restrictions, border controls. Many industries are still suffering from the Corona rules. Especially the tourism industry. In our infographic of the month, we show facts and figures on travel behavior during the pandemic, the impact on the aviation industry, and what positive effects restricted travel brings.
In a November 2021 survey by Expedia, 48% of Brits said they plan to travel internationally in the next six months. The French (46%) and Canadians (43%) feel similarly. Only the Australians (40%) and Germans (38%) were still somewhat hesitant.
The fact that travel has become more expensive since the Corona pandemic bothers few: 37% of respondents said they were prepared to pay higher prices. And in keeping with the hashtag #supportyourlocal, 38% were intentional about spending a lot of time in local restaurants and stores. 21% even want to tip more than normal.
The aviation industry has also been hit hard. Many countries closed their borders and closed airports to airlines coming from areas with particularly high incidences. Total passenger kilometers fell by nearly 60% in December 2021 compared to 2019, with Asia-Pacific down -87.5%.
The passenger load factor was around 50% in December 2021. Overall, 69% of international flights were at capacity in 2021.
To save the aviation industry, airlines received enormous amounts of government aid. For example, the Lufthansa Group received aid in the amount of $12.057 billion. Lufthansa repaid the German aid in full in November 2021.
Yes. The countries are enjoying strong growth in domestic tourism. In 2021, 26% of Germans vacationed in their own country. The Baltic Sea was the most popular destination.
In addition, more sustainable tourism ensures that nature can recover. For example, fish were seen again in the canals of Venice or blue skies in parts of China. And reefs in Thailand were also able to heal themselves again.
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